Breathing in a group ceremony
For those who wish to participate in a group healing energy field in which to release tension
Releasing tension in group
Certain situations or events in your life can be so overwhelming that you push them away. Those experiences are stored in our primitive brain and body memory.
Thus restrictions in your breathing patterns have developed. And therefore in really feeling your emotions.
You often feel a lack of energy, stress, anxiety, negative thought streams. You have psychosomatic complaints.
In a Breath Ceremony, we begin with movement to reactivate your body energy. You become aware of the fields of tension in your body.
From here you start the Breath Ceremony based on the BBTRS® method. You breathe in and out deeply without interruption. The energetic vibration of your body increases. You can finally release feelings and muscle tension related to unexpressed emotions or unprocessed traumas.
We create a safe space and support you in the free expression of blocked energy. Together with the other participants you go through a liberating process that also brings you close together as a group.
The effect of a Breath Ceremony is an experience of deep inner peace and regaining your full strength and vitality.
Biodynamic breathing has its roots Wilhelm Reich's body-oriented therapy, the trauma healing method of Peter Levine, Polyvagal Theory of Stephen Porges and the Trauma Release Exercises of Dr. Bercelli.