Biodynamic breathing and trauma release
For people who are stuck in their bodies and want to free themselves from emotional blockages in their bodies caused by trauma once and for all
Emotional release through breathing
You experience a lack of energy, stress, anxiety, depression or other psychological discomfort.
Most likely this stems from unprocessed trauma. You feel tension in your body as well as in your mind. This impacts your whole life.
You have experienced unsafe situations in which you were trapped. You have been unable to defend yourself or run away. This blocked energy settles into your body tissues. You are stuck in an armor, so to speak.
This "frozen" state manifests itself in the form of non-flowing breathing and belts of tension in your body.
In a breath session, you break through the various layers of this body armor via deeply connected breathing, movement, consciousness expansion and meditation.
In breathwork, you can release mental, emotional and physical blockages to the core.
In complete safety, I lead you in an integrated flow to release long held traumas in body and mind.
Through this method, you can get back to experiencing the full range of feelings and emotions that nature has given you.
- Your energy can flow freely again.
- Restructuring occurs at the cellular level
- Your spine opens completely.
- You can release the chronic tension in your nervous system.
This is how you transform to an increasing degree of presence, awareness and compassion in your daily life.