De-mining conflicts
For people who are emotionally stuck in conflict(s) and cannot find a serene way out
Untangling the knot in the relationship
You are emotionally triggered by a conflict. It is demanding a lot of attention and energy. This is a signal that there is probably old childhood pain being triggered in you. As a result, you are unable to respond in a mature way to what is occurring.
Often you then say or do stupid things. This creates a chain of reaction and counter-reaction.
At such times, you need someone to dive into the depths with you. What is really going on?
In systemic conflict resolution, we map out the underlying pattern of the conflict together. We line up all the players in space. Also what has occurred in your personal past.
What dynamics are causing you to experience conflict? What needs to be repaired in the system in order to restore harmony? .
In a systemic set-up, you often literally put yourself in someone else's shoes. This brings out information you didn't know about.
Clarity arises unexpectedly. You know what to do. Often the situation itself changes suddenly. Reality takes a turn you did not expect. The result of this empathy exercise is the feeling of liberation because a knot has been untangled.
Do you also want to de-mine a relationship that is stuck? Then contact me here: