Reconditioning your brain
For people tormented by worry and longing to find again emotional harmony
Breaking emotional blocks
You suffer from a negative voice in your head that prevents you from getting the most out of your life.
You are often at odds with yourself. You want one thing but do another. You don't live consistently according to your desires.
You just cannot let go of limiting emotions. As a result, there is a constant veil over your natural feelings.
Too bad you sabotage your own life so daily. Time is ticking by.
By using EFT and the EMDR method, you bring yourself back into balance:
- You digest unprocessed emotions
- The inner voice disappears.
- Your mind becomes more aligned to what you really want.
- Joy and confidence in yourself and others emerge.
- Your creativity gets a boost.
- Finally you are more emotional balance.
You can let go of excessive worry and stress. Suddenly everything is clear again. You regain self-confidence.
Would you also like to free yourself from that inner torment? Then contact me here (click):
EFT was developed in the 1990s by Gary Craig based on his study of the work of Roger Callahan in Thought Field Therapy (TFT).
EMDR is a form of therapy developed in the 1980s by Francine Shapiro