Body & Spirit
Healing & spirituality
For people who want to grow towards spiritual liberation through expansion of consciousness
Liberation from inner tension and conflict.
You don't feel good about yourself. You feel like something is weighing on you or hindering you from living at your full potential. You experience inner tension and conflict.
You block in certain situations. You have "no go" zones that make you anxious. Most likely, unprocessed trauma has a negative impact on the quality of your life. Various psychosomatic complaints arise.
You can heal this pain through profound methods in my approach of trauma patterns and ceremonies & retreats. Through intense feeling sessions I create the space for you to dive in a safe way into the deeper layers of yourself.
The pain that was stuck gets for the first time expression. So you experience again that opening and freedom, bringing you closer to the core of who you really are. Have you been feeling that longing for 'power and love' for so long?
"The single most important issue for traumatized people is to find a sense of safety in their bodies." Bessel van der Kolk

Liberation from traumatic patterns
For people who struggle with unprocessed tensions and who want to return to living their life in full freedom.
Healing in ceremonies & retreats
For people who want to open a new dimension in their live in a group experience