About me

In my approach to your question, experience is central.

Jan mouton with drum in hand during mediation session with client lying down

Who am I 

I originally graduated with a master's degree in philosophy. My career began as an account and sales manager within human resource services. That gave me hands-on experience of how organizations work and survive.

Meanwhile, I have been a coach in organizations for 23 years and a body-oriented trauma therapist for about 10 years.

All my life I have invested in personal development. In my long search for healing from my own deep personal traumas, I discovered body-centered trauma therapy.

This totally changed my outlook on counseling. I regained my mental health and vitality by paying attention to what was stuck in my body. This is how I experimentally discovered methods that really work.

After this life-changing experience, I trained myself in various approaches to body and spiritual therapy and became a trauma therapist. It became my life mission to help people dare to share their vulnerability, overcome their personal blockages and thus find strength and love back in their lives. In this way I have been able to help hundreds of people regain their emotional freedom.

In addition, as a business coach and facilitator, I am passionate about bringing more awareness into organizations, helping people become more energetic and access all their capacities, mentally, emotionally and physically.

My most important qualifications are:

My qualifications

Cellular Transformation Theory & Practice (www.jennifermillar.org)

Authentic Relating Level 1 and 2 (

Emotional Freedom Technique

EMDR (www.kor-academy.com/en/)

Brainspotting (

Year Training Mantra Singing (

The Heroes Journey (

Certified Embodied Facilitator (

Certified Practitioner in the BBTRS® Method (

Neo Reichian Bodywork (

Myofascial Energetic Release practitioner (

Reiki I gecertified (

Voicing (

Certified in Systemic work (method Bert Hellinger) by Johannes B. Schmidt (
www.johannesbenediktschmidt.de/) and Centrum Open Mind (www.centrumopenmind.be).

Certified Open Mind Coach Professional (

Trained in soulwork by Simon Buxton (
www.sacredtrust.org), Daan Van Kampenhout (www.daanvankampenhout.com/), Roel Crabbé (www.anamcara.be) en Wilbert Alix (www.trancedance.com).

Certification TMA Talent Method (

MBTI Certification (

Appreciative Inquiry (

NLP Practitioner (

Certified Organizational Structural Consultant (

Certified ​Human Dynamics Facilitator (

Master in Philosophy (

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